

As REALTORS®, we maximize our political power through the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC). RPAC raises voluntary funds from REALTORS® and uses those funds to help elect candidates for public office who share our views on issues that affect our industry and shape our communities. By supporting the campaigns of candidates who understand your business, Georgia RPAC ensures that your interests are represented when laws, ordinances, and regulations are being enacted. The relationships created by RPAC help public officials understand the implications of their decisions on your business.

This isn’t personal; this is business. When RPAC decides whether to contribute to candidates, the only consideration is how supportive they are on real estate and property rights issues. As an organization that represents REALTORS®, RPAC doesn’t consider other kinds of issues. Party affiliation doesn’t matter, either; Georgia RPAC has contributed to Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. RPAC looks to build the future by putting dollars in places that will help advance the interests of real estate professionals. RPAC is insurance for our industry. We can either be players in the political process or become victims of it. RPAC is how REALTORS get and keep a seat at the table.



Your voluntary RPAC investment is used to support candidates for the Georgia General Assembly, for statewide office (Governor, Lt. Governor, etc.), and for local county and city elected office across the state. Additionally, a portion of the state’s RPAC funds is forwarded to the National Association of REALTORS® Political Action Committee to be used for Congressional candidates.



Federal law prohibits the use of your dues dollars for political purposes. RPAC is funded entirely by the voluntary investments of REALTORS®.

By the way, no one is asking you for a contribution, donation, or gift. That implies that you’re never going to see your money again. By fighting to protect property rights and keep the government out of your checkbook, RPAC becomes your best investment in your industry, your firm, and your career.

Your investment is not tax deductible on your federal or state income tax returns.



RPAC contributions may be requested by local associations, GAR’s lobbyists, or even the candidates themselves. Contributions are approved by the state RPAC Board of Trustees – REALTORS® from across Georgia who are committed to protecting the real estate industry and private property rights by giving money to candidates for office who both understand and support REALTOR® issues. Some of the criteria considered by the RPAC Trustees include:

  • if the legislator is a leader (Speaker of the House, Majority/Minority Leader, etc)
  • if the legislator serves on a “key committee” (those that directly affect the outcome of bills and issues)
  • if the legislator sponsored a REALTOR®-friendly bill (or, conversely, if the legislator sponsored a REALTOR®-unfriendly bill)
  • whether or not the legislator is a REALTOR® or affiliated with the real-estate industry.


According to Federal Election law, RPAC may solicit only individual members—i.e., non-corporate members of NAR and their families. The term “members” means all individuals who currently satisfy the requirements for membership in any one of the local, state, and/or the National Association and regularly pay dues.

Executive, administrative and management personnel of the local, state and/or national associations are also considered under the NAR constitution to be members of the association and may be solicited even though they may not pay association dues.



Your RPAC investment pays off with every political victory:

  • Preserving the federal Mortgage Interest Deduction protects $8,800 in annual commission for the average REALTOR®.
  • Raising the conforming mortgage loan limits increased the earnings of the average REALTOR® by $6,250.
  • Blocking a 6% state tax on real estate commissions saves the average member $2,300 per year.
  • Preventing cities and counties from charging individual REALTORS® a business license fee saves you more than $200 in every jurisdiction in which you do business.
  • Preserving the income tax deduction for property taxes protects $2,500 of annual income for the average REALTOR®.
  • Keeping national banks out of the real estate brokerage and property management business saves the average REALTOR® $5,400 annually.
  • Protecting REALTORS® from prosecution for the unauthorized practice of law for advice regarding clients’ contracts.
  • Prohibiting local governments from charging property managers a rental registration fee.
  • Defeating a proposal that would have imposed civil and criminal penalties on real estate agents if the clients failed to retrofit plumbing fixtures prior to the closing of a sale.
  • Defeating a 100% increase in real estate transfer tax.
  • Expanding REALTORS® banking options for client funds by eliminating the requirement that funds be held in a checking account.


REALTORS® must be politically active, get involved and help shape the discussion. If not, who will take on the responsibility of protecting the values and rights we hold dear? Be assured that someone will – someone who may not value wise business planning and could threaten property owners and their rights. No one knows a community better than a REALTOR®. REALTORS® know the lay of the land, the families, the best schools, the neighborhoods and the leaders of any given area. REALTORS® work in every city, county and community in the nation. REALTORS® are on the front line as defenders of real estate issues. RPAC is the only political group in the country organized for REALTORS® and run by REALTORS®. RPAC exists solely to further issues important to REALTORS®.



Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes. Contributions to RPAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal and the National Association of REALTORS®, the Georgia Association of REALTORS®, the Newnan-Coweta Board of REALTORS®, will not favor or disfavor any member because of the amount contributed. 70% of each contribution is used by GARPAC to support state and local candidates. Until GARPAC reaches its RPAC goal, 30% is sent to National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a; after GARPAC reaches its RPAC goal, it may elect to retain your entire contribution for use in supporting state and local candidates.

Federal law prohibits the use of your dues dollars for political purposes. RPAC is funded entirely by the voluntary investments of REALTORS®.