Proposed Changes to the Bylaws

Important Update

The NCBOR Board of Directors want every member to have the opportunity to be heard if they have concerns or questions about these bylaw changes.  To that end, the Board of Directors will be hosting a Town Hall session on Thursday, November 21st to allow open discussion about these changes.  NCBOR leadership will be present to answer your questions and provide insight into why these changes were recommended and the outcomes we hope they will generate.  You can also email any questions you may have to  We will make every effort to answer every question we receive.

What: Bylaw Change Town Hall
When: Thursday, November 21st at 10:30 AM
Where: The Newnan Centre

As part of ongoing efforts to align with regulatory changes and industry standards, NCBOR leadership has thoroughly reviewed our association’s policies and bylaws. After months of evaluation, we have proposed updates to make leadership roles more accessible and to make preparation for future Board positions more accessible for members.

Additional changes will be presented to you in the coming months, but these updates are the most urgent and will directly impact the incoming Board of Directors.

The attached document is organized by bylaw section, with each section showing the current language followed by the proposed updates, highlighted in yellow.

You can view the full version of the current bylaws here: BYLAWS OF THE NEWNAN-COWETA BOARD OF REALTORS®, INC.

Please take a moment to review these changes, below, and cast your vote to approve by clicking HERE. Fill out your information, select “Yes” or “No”, and type your name again as an electronic signature. Only one vote per member will be counted and voting will remain open until 12 PM on Thursday, November 21st. It can also be submitted at the November Membership Meeting.

To vote, go to:{{HCIContactId}}

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